अपना बेतिया कोई पत्रकारिता प्लेटफॉर्म नहीं है, बल्कि यह बेतिया और चंपारण को समर्पित एक ऑनलाइन सूचनात्मक ब्लॉग और कंटेंट क्रिएटर प्लेटफॉर्म है। जिसके माध्यम से हम बेतिया समेत चंपारण से जुड़ी आकर्षक फोटो और वीडियो को एक जगह सहेजते हैं, और शहर में होने वाली घटनाओं को कवर करते हैं।
हम बेतिया और चंपारण जिले से जुड़ी घटनाओं/ऐतिहासिक/मनोरम/महत्वपूर्ण/स्थानीय समस्या/दुखद/सुखद आदि की फोटो/वीडियो और खबरें शेयर करते हैं। इसके अलावा हम स्थानीय लोगों की खुशियों/उत्सवों/रैलियों/समस्याओं से जुड़ी पोस्ट भी शेयर करते हैं, यानी जो भी हम देखते हैं या हमारे संज्ञान में आता है, या कोई हमें भेजता है, और हमें महत्वपूर्ण लगता है, हम उसे शेयर/री-शेयर करते हैं, या कंटेंट बनाकर पोस्ट करते हैं।
― धन्यवाद 🙏
We represent Articles mostly related to Bettiah City and Champaran. Along with that news, we publish every kind of post, such as history, important alerts, guides, the latest news, local issues, live events, etc.
The main target of this website is to provide every piece of information & news related to Bettiah & Champaran to you & we believe that this website would be the easiest way to connect people because most of us go to other states/cities/countries in case of earnings, study for a change. However they are unaware of the Bettiah Update, so we are trying to provide you with the necessary information.
Our Services
We are also providing advertisements by which u can post your ad to our website. Charges will be applied by plans. Payment may be changed as the size of the ad, running periods, and the location on our website.
Benefits of Using Our Website
We are leading as the highest social community members from Bettiah or west Champaran and all are genuine & organic.
all around we are connected with 1.8lcs people from bettiah/champaran
the first thing we would like to tell u that One of our Admins, Md Ali thought to make a Facebook page about our city. It came to Md Ali’s mind when he went to Noor Mahal, Punjab after his 10th exams he was missing his hometown and he did not find any good guide portal or any latest information/a single pic about Bettiah.
So he thought to connect all the people of Bettiah on a single page so he created the Apna Bettiah page on 02 Aug 2012.
Our Team
We’re a team of makers, thinkers, explorers, and creators. We’re a team that transforms ideas into great experiences. It’s not our work life, it’s our life’s work & we’re a team of 3 members.
- Samar
- Md Ali
- Rajat Kumar
- Syed Atif Hussain
Fun Fact:
In today’s time, you see all the best pictures or videos on social media like Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, or in newspapers, tv news, Google images, etc., in connection with the city of Bettiah or West Champaran. Most of those photos or videos are shared by Apna Bettiah.
you can also say that we have shown the beauty of the Bettiah city.